Minor correction below.

On 9/6/2018 1:04 PM, Adam Petcher wrote:

In the latest webrev, I changed it so there is a single static NamedGroupFunctions of each type, and the NamedGroup is passed in as the first argument to each method that requires it (rather than being a member of NamedGroupFunctions).

After the re-org, I guess you can put the inner classes in NamedGroup enum and declare them as private?  The getFunctions() method may be unnecessary then.

I don't know if that works, exactly, due to the fact that I can't reference static enum members in the body of an enum constructor. How about this alternative? I can move the NamedGroup enum and all the NamedGroupFunction classes into a separate class (in a separate file) called NamedGroups. Then all the NamedGroupFunction classes can be private in this class, but the NamedGroup enum can still have package access. I would prefer to leave the getFunctions() method of NamedGroup (and keep it private) because the functions object may be missing and the Optional return type of getFunctions() forces me to deal with this when I call it from within NamedGroup.

Actually, it does work. I just have to move the static members of each NamedGroupFunctions subclass into its subclass (e.g. make them singletons). Still, I like my proposed alternative better, because it allows us to simplify SupportedGroupsExtension. Let me know if you have a preference.

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