On 11/13/18 8:11 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
Confused. Aren't all Security properties security-related? This is not about 
normal system properties.

Although probably not that common, an application could create their own security properties, ex: Security.setProperty("security.myPassword", "abc123");

We want to avoid logging those. We just want to record changes to the JDK security properties.

And the method name in the latest webrev is "isSecurityProperty" without the 
"JDK" word. I assume this means you don't care about the difference between SE properties 
and JDK properties.

Hmm, I was reviewing v7, and the name was changed in v8. I think isJdkSecurityProperty method is a better name.



On Nov 14, 2018, at 2:53 AM, Sean Mullan <sean.mul...@oracle.com> wrote:

* src/java.base/share/classes/java/security/Security.java

The isJdkSecurityProperty method could return false positives, for example there may be a 
non-JDK property starting with "security.". I was thinking it would be better 
to put all the JDK property names in a HashSet which is populated by the static 
initialize() method, and only if event logging is enabled. Then setProperty can just 
check if the property name is in this set.

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