Hi Max,

Webrev has been updated, http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~valeriep/8242151/webrev.02/.

Major changes are:

- Moved oidTable caching from AlgorithmId class to ObjectIdentifier class. Made ObjectIdentifier constructor private and callers have to use the of(String) method which always check the oidTable cache before creating new instances. Some more files (src files and tests) are added to the webrev due to the private ObjectIdentifier constructor change.

- Arrays.asList() calls are now replaced with List.of() calls.

- KnownOIDs enum has been enhanced with registerName() method for ensuring that same standard name can have at most one enum mapping. Added the method stdName() instead of relying on toString(). Added aliases support to KnownOIDs enums. Note that external aliases are in SecurityProviderConstants class. The two non-oid BASE ones are removed and keytool/Main.java is updated.

- SecurityProviderConstants class will pick up the internal aliases and combine with external aliases and handle multiple oid enums in its store(...) method.

- Updated SunRsaSign provider to use the same naming convention (append the letter A) and fixed its KeyFactory and KeyPairGenerator to use the same oid as before. Also update providers outside of the java.base module in a similar fashion.

As for the comments below. Please find replies inline.

On 5/4/2020 6:24 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:
Do you want to add OIDs in CurveDB into KnownOIDs as well?

Sure, will do in webrev.03.




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