On Wed, 13 Jan 2021 20:25:53 GMT, Sean Mullan <mul...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/jdk.jartool/share/classes/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Main.java line 
>> 1484:
>>> 1482:                 // If the cert is trusted, only check its key size, 
>>> but not its
>>> 1483:                 // signature algorithm. This is because warning 
>>> should not be
>>> 1484:                 // generated for SHA-1 roots which are not an issue.
>> SHA-1 is just a glitch in the long history at this very moment, and thus I 
>> think it's inappropriate to mention it in the source code. In my opinion, 
>> the general reason we don't check the signature is that we trust its origin 
>> anyway and we don't verify the signature at all (do we?). On the other hand, 
>> since its key is used to sign other certs, we need to make sure the key size 
>> is big enough so that no one else is able to recover the key and use it to 
>> sign other certs.
> Yes, I would remove the 2nd sentence that starts with "This is ...". There 
> are plenty of references on the Internet which explain this, so no need to 
> add much detail.



PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2042

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