I can re-license some code that decorates Concurrent collections with references, so you can do this without blocking.


On 9/06/2021 4:31 am, Alan Bateman wrote:
On Tue, 8 Jun 2021 18:22:55 GMT, Weijun Wang <wei...@openjdk.org> wrote:

I thought about that but not sure of performance impact. Is the worst problem 
that more than one warnings will be printed for a single caller? It's not 
really harmless.

As for the frame, if the warning message only contain the caller class name and 
its code source, why is it worth using a key of multiple frames? The message 
will look the same.
WeakHashMap access needs synchronization. Whether we need to cache to avoid 
excessive warnings isn't clear. If the SM is enabled once and never 
disabled/re-enabled then caching isn't interesting.  On the other hand if there 
are programs that are enabling/disabling to execute subsets of code then maybe 
it is. Maybe we should just drop this and see if there is any feedback on the 
repeated warning?
Not sure what you meant by "WeakHashMap access synchronization", it's just a 
noun without any other parts. Do you think synchronization is necessary?

For the cache, I'm OK to drop it at the moment.
I think it would be simpler to start out without the caller cache. Sorry the 
sentence got garbled, I was trying to repeat what I said above that WeakHashMap 
is not synchronized so you would need to add synchronization to use it.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4400

Peter Firmstone
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Zeus Project Services Pty Ltd.

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