Hi Alan,

My apologies, finalizer removal, that's a positive step, I thought it was motivated by "the code is trusted so we don't need to worry about finalizer attacks".

Also apologies for the long email, but it seems appropriate for information handover.

Atomic construction guarantee; if invariant checks during construction throw an exception, prior to calling Object's zero arg constructor, an object instance will not be created, creation of the object is atomic, either it succeeds with all invariants satisfied, or an object is not created, such that it cannot be created in a broken state where invariants aren't satisfied.  We apply this constructor safety guarantee to deserialization of data, it is a requirement of the code performing deserialzation to check invariants and we require that users are authenticated, this is to avoid parsing untrusted data, while still validating user data.  We enforce it using SM infrastructure.

I understand JEP 411 is a business decision, there wasn't enough adoption, following the fallout of applets, businesses and users running afoul of untrusted code, causing ongoing pain (publicly). The remaining attempts of JEP 411 to explain why POLP is a technical failure only apply to the default implementation and are incorrect when applied to other implementations, it's a commercial failure, as suggested by low rates of adoption in JEP 411, but that's due to a lack of investment in tooling, however I suspect OpenJDK has underestimated adoption, although probably not by a big margin, but I suspect it will be more painful than OpenJDK anticipates.  I have a perfectly good working reliable publicly available example (for years) contrary to JEP 411's technical claims.

OpenJDK's decision has been made, and those affected must also assess and make their own decisions, the following only serves to share my thoughts and insights, no need to read further if not of interest.  Our Java programs are going into care and maintenance as we assess suitable replacement development platforms.


Applets relied on SM (perhaps SM only exists due to their success), applets themselves weren't the cause of their own demise, for that we have Java Serialization to thank, otherwise applets were a commercial success, and had they remained so, then SM would have also remained, it appears to be inexorably tied to the fate of applets now.

Serialization needed an atomic replacement before 2008, when it was becoming obvious that Java serialization was insecure. OpenJDK could still fix Java serialization without using white list filters (ironically white listing is a complication of SM, which reduced adoption, it's likely the same will occur with Serialization white lists, if tooling isn't provided), by removing the ability to serialize circular object graphs, or disabling it by default.  We had circular object graphs in JGDMS (which heavily utilised Java serialization), but we refactored these out after implementing atomic de-serialization, we did this in a way that didn't require breaking the serial form compatibility of existing classes (unless they contained circular references).  This keeps serial data invariant validation code with the object implementation, rather than as a separate white list (and it is more powerful and less complex than white listing), reducing complexity and maintenance, and because failure is atomic an attacker cannot formulate a gadget chain, type safety is also read ahead and checked prior to de-serialization of data.   The development of atomic serialization started with atomic deserialization which was completed a few years ago, atomic serialization was under current development, with new explicit public API methods for used for serialization, to avoid any issues with reflection and module access controls, we were still using Java serialization to serialize, but an alternative AtomicObjectInputStream to de-serialize.

SM Performance isn't an issue, my policy implementation is high scaling and has no hotspots, neither is deployment, we have tools to generate policy files (more than one) and have been doing so for many years (the first tool was written by Sun Microsystems circa 2004 I think, it still required policy file editing, but listed permissions required), the second tool was written 8 years ago approx.  Our use cases have passed the tests of time.  I don't believe people hand author policy files in the age of computing: I've seen examples of policy generation tools by other authors on GitHub.  Sure some developers might grant AllPermission, to get something running, or for tests, but I haven't seen anyone serious about security in production that does.  I don't use the built in policy provider (it has a blocking permission cache that negatively impacts performance), my policy implementation doesn't have a cache and it's many magnitudes faster and high scaling thanks to shared immutability, thread confined mutability and the garbage collector, the last remaining pain point is SocketPermssion and DNS.  If SocketPermission was changed to use URI RFC3986 normalization and had netmask wildcards, that would address remaining issues (Too many SocketPermission grants required in policy files).   I managed to avoid most DNS calls by using a PermissionComparator, which finds the closest match, if it doesn't find an exact match, to reduce the number of actual permission checks.   We also had to implement our own ClassLoader to avoid the DNS calls originating from SecureClassLoader.

Java's memory model has more voodoo than AccessController, the JMM makes AccessController look simple, programming is voodoo to a non programmer, everything is relative and based on experience.  I guess you are suggesting the complexity to use ratio is too high. I can imagine what it was like being at a presentation when someone enables SecurityManager and it stops working, why the default provider wasn't fixed then I'm not sure, budget perhaps? If I was at that presentation, I'd generate the policy file on the first pass, then make the new policy file the default policy.  It would have added about 10 minutes to the presentation as we stepped through the swim lanes, or whatever people like to call executing desired functionality (preferably automated test cases), at least it would look like we knew what we were doing, then you validate it by attempting to do something you shouldn't, it leaves the JVM in a very locked down state (which can also prevent user errors), occasionally you can forget to execute some necessary functionality (not have a test case for it), or not allow the program to run long enough to capture all necessary permissions, but the missing permissions are quickly sorted, by running the tool a second time, the missing permissions are appended to policy files.

I would have preferred that we reduced the number of permissions, these can be removed without breaking backward compatibility, the policy just treats it as an UnresolvedPermission.

Many permissions are being replaced by better access controls (as they should), such as more recent changes to package / module access and reflection and this could be a gradual process as unnecessary permissions are removed.   We aren't trying to sandbox code, it's used for company authorization rules.  The code is trusted, but if it's from a third party, or another company with a business relationship, eg approved vendor, we need to place some constraints on it, which aren't intended to defend against malicious code.  Our intent is to prevent parsing of malicious data and loading of malicious code.

I would have preferred to build a model around permissions required for authorization of users and trusted code, rather than focusing on sandboxes and malicious code.   If a user or service doesn't authenticate, they cannot dynamically load code because they are not granted permission to do so, they also cannot generally deserialize untrusted data, this all depends on SM infrastructure.

We need to control access to networks, files, user credentials, properties (of certificate store locations) and class loading. Primarily we do this by authenticating users, we also allow some authenticated users and services to also dynamically download and load classes.

Due to JEP 411, we have no future Java upgrade path, what's possible currently with authorization, will not be possible in future versions of Java, design assumptions throughout our software are built on SM infrastructure.   When we remove SM from our systems, it enables deserialization of untrusted data from unauthenticated users and it allows downloads and class loading of untrusted code.   Our software uses TLS over IPv6 for it's point to point connectivity and is able to dynamically discover compatible services over global networks, so we cannot use a firewall to protect it either.

The library we use and provide publicy can be found here, in case its of interest: https://github.com/pfirmstone/JGDMS

At the end of the day, choosing any development platform is a risk, and this was one of the risks of choosing a commercial platform (at that time Java was a commercial platform and it's still funded by commercial interests today), budgets dictate both the initial development compromises and the eventual demise when adoption falls and a feature is no longer commercially viable for the people responsible for maintaining it.

Due to JEP 411 all our Java development will be put into care and maintenance, I'm currently looking at our options for other programming languages and platforms on which to base new development, Haskell looks interesting and seems to have better type safety, due to it's academic background, its developers are focused on solving very difficult problems and doing so in a way that is provably correct, using mathematical theorems, I think that's why its taken years longer to stabilize.  By not having made compromises, it will likely be useful for much longer, even with some change.  It seems unlikely that an academic language would lose features due to budget constraints, it is more likely that inadequate or problematic features will be addressed and upgraded or replaced.

It is not so much that JEP 411 might break backward compatibility, we can live with that, what we are unable to address; it removes a feature that cannot be re-implemented and has no replacement, which exposes us to low probability, but unacceptable consequences.

There are no hard feelings, it's just a consequence of our original platform adoption choice, we knew there were risks.  It's time to move on and deal with it.  No doubt Java will be useful to many people for many years to come, and many don't require an authorization layer or chose something other than SM to implement one.  With no Java upgrade path, it leaves us free to choose from what is available now, rather than a choice made 20 years ago. In any case it's likely a choice that we would have needed to make eventually, JEP 411 has only brought it forward.   If Haskell is a magnitude more efficient, as its proponents claim, then it may ultimately provide an overall cost saving.   We haven't made a choice yet though, it's still under investigation.

I do appreciate that you took the time to respond to my emails.



On 26/07/2021 12:44 am, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 23/07/2021 23:33, Peter Firmstone wrote:
I think it's worth noting that there isn't a way to securely run code with malicious intent now, so I'm surprised that at this late stage you were still providing support for sand boxing (whack a mole).

It's just for us many assumptions have been made on a Java platform with SM, using POLP (not sandboxing) as this was one of the foundational principles of secure coding guidelines (just like following concurrency best practice, were were following security best practice).   Sandboxing is an all or nothing approach, if you had a trusted applet that was signed, it had AllPermission, if you had an unsigned applet, then it had no permissions.  Sandboxing was one of the use cases for SM, when combined with ClassLoader visibility, but we never realized that OpenJDK developers meant sandboxing == authorization access controls.

When you remove that pillar, everything it's supporting collapses, not just sand boxing, so when you say you are removing support for sandboxing, we say, good idea, but we didn't realize you were saying you were removing support for all authorization access controls.   Reduced and revised authorization and access control would have been acceptable, as tightening reflection visibility using a different form of access control removes the need for authorization based reflection access checks, but also removing atomic construction guarantee's just seems like were doing this at a rapid pace without the community understanding what you have in mind, and this may have more uses than just stopping finalizer attacks.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "atomic construction guarantee" here. This JEP does not propose to change anything with finalization or do anything with the registration of finalizers after Object.<init> runs. Our exchange in the previous mails was about classes (using ClassLoader as the example) that specify a SM permission check in their constructors, something that is strongly discouraged as the checks are easy to bypass. The idiom that we use in the JDK to prevent bypassing these SM permission checks with a finalizer attack is to check in a static method that returns a dummy parameter for the invokespecial. My point in the previous mail is that when the SM permission checks eventually go away then many of the uses of this idiom can do away too.

That said, there is strong desire to eventually remove finalization too. Finalization was deprecated several years ago and the Java platform defines APIs that provide much more flexible and efficient ways do run cleanup actions when an object becomes unreachable. So another multi-year/multi-release effort to remove a problematic feature, just nothing to do with this JEP.

As regards POLP, the focus of SM architecture when it was enhanced in Java 1.2. The JEP attempts to explain why this has been a failure. AccessController is voodoo that most developers have never encountered so anyone trying to run with SM ends up running counter to the principle of least privilege by granting all permissions.


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