On 3/08/2021 6:31 pm, Ron Pressler wrote:

On 3 Aug 2021, at 02:30, Peter Firmstone <peter.firmst...@zeus.net.au> wrote:

I am still hopeful that OpenJDK might create some hooks for us and keep the 
AccessController, AccessControlContext and Subject.doAs methods to make 
supporting all Java versions easier.
When I mentioned “hooks” I was referring to something along the lines of a 
callback when a file is

Can you elaborate?   A Runnable, similar to registering a shutdown hook?

Just curious, when using Agents, what are the recommendations for line numbers 
in code, for exceptions etc, how are these affected when instrumenting?
When you transform a class, you basically replace its content with new content, 
so the short answer is
that what happens to line numbers is whatever you want. If you’re using ASM for 
your transformation and
ignore line numbers, which ASM represents as a kind of no-op instructions, then 
what would usually happen
is that if original instruction X is mapped to line N and when transforming the 
stream you replace X with
YXZ, then all of YXZ will remain mapped to line N.

Ok, Currently my experience with ASM is finding dependencies, and unpacking the pack200 format. I hadn't stopped to consider what it might do to line numbers.



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