On Mon, 1 Nov 2021 14:42:32 GMT, Martin Balao <mba...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> * The names 'second' and 'secondTicket' -that were used before- don't look 
>>> ideal to me. I've not seen them used neither in RFC 4120 nor in MS-SFU 
>>> (v.20.0). In the case of 'additionalTickets', it's defined in RFC 4120 but 
>>> more from a message-format perspective than with any specific semantics. 
>>> Many of us are familiar to these names at this point but perhaps we can 
>>> take this opportunity to find a better replacement. These are service 
>>> tickets used for impersonation, from a user principal probably. I used 
>>> 'userSvcTicket' when working on the Referrals feature. It could be that or 
>>> something different. I'm okay if you want to postpone this consideration, 
>>> but I wanted to raise it just in case.
>> I see what you mean. I'll go through them.
>>> * While I see the need of introducing a new class to the hierarchy 
>>> (KrbKdcReq), I'd rearrange that a bit if possible. In particular, I'd make 
>>> ::getMessage part of the interface, instead of ::encoding, and then 
>>> delegate to the message (KDCReq --> ASReq | TGSReq) the encoding. In fact, 
>>> the message already does the encoding; it's just caching it in the same 
>>> place where it's done -which should be fine as the message is non-mutable-. 
>>> This would simplify things a bit and we can have only one 'obuf' field in 
>>> KDCReq, instead of caching it both in KrbAsReq and KrbTgsReq. We are not 
>>> loosing encapsulation because the message is already accessible. What do 
>>> you think?
>> Good idea.
>>> * In CredentialsUtil.java, I see how the checks 'additionalTickets == null 
>>> || additionalTickets.length == 0' were replaced by 'second == null', but 
>>> what about the check 'credsInOut[1] == null'?
>> Sorry, missed it.
>>> * I want to notice that 'additionalTickets' was technically an 'in/out' 
>>> parameter in CredentialsUtil::serviceCredsReferrals. I couldn't find any 
>>> consequence of making it an 'in' parameter, but just in case I want to 
>>> mention this. I believe the only function that could have used that 
>>> information is CredentialsUtil::acquireS4U2proxyCreds but it's an r-value 
>>> there so it should be fine.
>> That's right. Although the content of the original array argument could be 
>> modified, the caller has not used it. In fact, changing it from array to a 
>> normal object makes me feel relieved. I always needed to remind myself that 
>> this was not meant to be an '[out]' parameter.
>>> * A KDC_ERR_BADOPTION error meaning that the KDC requires the 'FORWARDABLE' 
>>> option in the ticket is what the code suggests. Is it possible that this is 
>>> not what really happened and there is something else wrong? In other words, 
>>> is it possible that a DS_BEHAVIOR_WIN2012 DC returns this error?
>> I don't know.
>>> * The FORWARDABLE check removed is the one in S4U2Self. Apparently, for 
>>> S4U2Proxy with non-S4U2Self second-tickets there were no checks. Now we 
>>> check at S4U2Proxy level (for all 'second' tickets, S4U2Self and 
>>> non-S4U2Self ones). Is that okay? Or do we need to be more specific and 
>>> check for S4U2Self second-tickets only (in a S4U2Proxy communication)?
>> That's what I asked you about a more precise way to ensure a cred is a 
>> S4U2self one. I thought about stuff the `S4U2Type` value as a "type" field 
>> into the credentials returned by `serviceCreds()` but it looks a little ugly.
>>> Otherwise, looks good to me.
>> Thanks.
>>> Thanks, Martin.-
>> > * The FORWARDABLE check removed is the one in S4U2Self. Apparently, for 
>> > S4U2Proxy with non-S4U2Self second-tickets there were no checks. Now we 
>> > check at S4U2Proxy level (for all 'second' tickets, S4U2Self and 
>> > non-S4U2Self ones). Is that okay? Or do we need to be more specific and 
>> > check for S4U2Self second-tickets only (in a S4U2Proxy communication)?
>> That's what I asked you about a more precise way to ensure a cred is a 
>> S4U2self one. I thought about stuff the `S4U2Type` value as a "type" field 
>> into the credentials returned by `serviceCreds()` but it looks a little ugly.
> This would be tricky. The problem is that the 'cname' and 'crealm' in the 
> S4U2Self ticket are the user's ones; so indistinguishable from the 
> non-S4U2Self. The 'sname' and 'srealm' are also equal: the middle service 
> principal. I'm not sure if there are any differences in the PAC. Even when 
> it's a bit 'ugly', storing the 'type' looks like a reliable scheme in my 
> opinion. But the question that concerns me most is if we really want to make 
> such a tight check, or we are willing to forward everything. I'd suggest to 
> keep your proposal as it is now in this regard. Meanwhile, I'll check what 
> the MIT client does and let you know if there is anything that we to consider.

> Hi @martinuy, I looked at the variable names. Some can be named `clientCreds` 
> or `proxyCreds`. Some are for a general `additionalTickets`. I can name it to 
> `additionalCreds` but this "creds" is only one object and not an array.

`additionalTickets` is a term introduced in the RFC. Even when it does not have 
defined semantics (i.e.: what are these attached/additional tickets for?), I'd 
keep it for everything related to message formatting. My comment was more about 
'second', which is undefined in RFC/docs and not a very meaningful name. I 
prefer `clientCreds` over `proxyCreds` because 'proxy' makes me think about the 
middle-service. What about `userCreds`? (the reason I like 'user' is because 
it's more about the actor, while client might be a role that the middle-service 
is playing in a communication with a KDC or a back-end)


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6082

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