On 1/18/2022 4:10 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:
On Thu, 6 Jan 2022 20:28:22 GMT, Sean Mullan<mul...@openjdk.org>  wrote:

Could you please review the JDK-8255739 bug fix?

I think sun.security.x509.SubjectAlternativeNameExtension() should throw an 
exception for incorrect SubjectAlternativeNames instead of returning the 
substituted characters, which is explained in the description of BugDB.

I modified DerValue.readStringInternal() not to read incorrect 
SubjectAlternativeNames and throw an IOException. 
sun.security.x509.X509CertInfo.parse() catch the IOExcepton and ignore it if 
SAN is a non-ciritical extension like the behavior of the IOException in 
readStringInternal(). So I added a test with -Djava.security.debug=x509 to 
confirm that.
I understand the reasons for making the code more robust and detecting invalid 
DER encodings, but this may have a non-trivial compatibility risk. In general, 
I think detecting invalid encodings is generally the right thing to do, but 
compatibility needs to be considered. Sometimes other implementations have 
encoding bugs that we need to workaround, etc. This change affects not only 
certificates but other security components that use DER in the JDK. 
Certificates already treat non-critical extensions that are badly encoded as 
not a failure, so there is some compatibility built-in already. But I think it 
makes sense to look at other code that calls into the DerValue methods and 
evaluate the potential compatibility risk. At a minimum, a CSR must be filed. 
As a compromise, it may make sense to (at least initially) reduce the 
compatibility risk by allowing the caller (ex: `sun.security.x509.DNSName`) to 
decide if it wants a stricter parsing of the DER-encoded string.

I would like @wangweij or @valeriepeng to also review this.

With respect to the test, it seems like overkill to launch a java process 
inside the test to run each test. Instead, I would just have separate methods 
for each test and run them in the same process as the main test.
@seanjmullan @wangweij I have commented on what you pointed out, so could you 
please reply?
I need another couple of days to look at this issue again before I can reply.



Hi -

Bouncycastle started enforcing properly encoded  INTEGERs a while back and that caused one of my programs to start failing due to a TPM X509 endorsement certificate just having the TPM serial number stuffed into the certificate serial number without normalizing it to the appropriate INTEGER encoding.  BC provided a work around (setting "org.bouncycastle.asn1.allow_unsafe_integer") which gave me time to re-code around the problem.  If you're going to break things, it may be useful to provide a work around similar to what they did.

In any event, DerValue.java uses "new String(byteArrayValue, charsetType)" to produce the various String values including in getIA5String().  I.e.,

public String(byte[] bytes,
               Charset  charset)
Constructs a new |String| by decoding the specified array of bytes using the specified charset. The length of the new |String| is a function of the charset, and hence may not be equal to the length of the byte array.

_*This method always replaces malformed-input and unmappable-character sequences with this charset's default replacement string.*_ The |CharsetDecoder| class should be used when more control over the decoding process is required.

Perhaps it might make sense to update the various places where this is used in DerValue to CharsetDecoder and to use charsetDecoder.onMalformedInput() and charsetDecoder.onUnmappableCharacter() to set the appropriate action related to parsing the byte array into a String of a given charset?  That action could be set based on the presence of the bypass property.

I don't think the change as proposed is backward-compatible safe enough, nor does it really address the general issue of poorly encoded DER String values in a certificate.


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