On Wed, 20 Apr 2022 23:38:59 GMT, Stuart Marks <sma...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Calling `Cleanable.clean()` calls the `Runnable` action at-most-once.
>> Each `Cleanable` inserted in a list when it is created and is removed when 
>> `clear()` or `clean()` is invoked.
>> The action is called only if it is still in the list. So there is no extra 
>> overhead.
>> There is no harm in clearing the cleanable field; but it does not save much.
>> The code in `clearPassword` can be simplified and only test `cleanable != 
>> null`; it will be null unless there is an inputPassword to clean.
> I'd recommend setting `cleanable` to null after it's been cleaned to make the 
> state machine easier to reason about. The invariant would be: if `cleanable` 
> is non-null, then we have something dirty that needs to be cleaned. If we 
> don't clear it to null after cleaning, it potentially results in confusing 
> states. For example, suppose the app calls `setPassword(nonNull)` and later 
> calls `setPassword(null)`. The second call will set `inputPassword` to null 
> but leave a stale reference in `cleanable`. This isn't necessarily harmful, 
> but it's confusing.

> The code in `clearPassword` can be simplified and only test `cleanable != 
> null`; it will be null unless there is an inputPassword to clean.

Yes.  The testing of `cleanable != null` is sufficient.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/8272

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