On Thu, 14 Nov 2024 11:11:54 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Currently, the man pages are stored as troff (a text format) in the open 
>> repo, and a content-wise identical copy is stored as markdown (another text 
>> format) in the closed repo.
>> Since markdown is preferred to troff in terms of editing, we make changes to 
>> the man pages in markdown and then convert it to troff.
>> This closed-markdown to open-troff processing needs to be done manually by 
>> an Oracle engineer. This is done regularly at the start and end of a new 
>> release cycle, adding to the burden of creating a new release. It is also 
>> done (if any of the reviewers knows about the process) whenever an Oracle 
>> engineer updates a man page. If a community contributor changes the behavior 
>> of a tool, an Oracle engineer needs to change the documentation for them, 
>> since they cannot do it themselves.
> Magnus Ihse Bursie has updated the pull request incrementally with two 
> additional commits since the last revision:
>  - Fix CheckManPageOptions test
>  - Remove classpath exception

> > Now `CheckManPageOptions` finds the `.md` file (good) and its checks fail 
> > (bad).
> _sigh_
> > A candidate for an ignore list as fixing it is out of scope of this PR?
> Let me have a look at it first. It seems the test has the indention to handle 
> markdown files, so maybe there is an easy fix.

I'm somewhat surprised that the full src tree is available to this test when it 
runs. I was expecting it to examine the .1 files in the JDK image.


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/22081#issuecomment-2477764902

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