 Immunix OS Security Advisory

Packages updated: xinetd
Affected products: Immunix OS 7.0-beta and 7.0
Bugs fixed:  immunix/1657
Date:   Fri Jun 29 2001
Advisory ID:  IMNX-2001-70-029-01
Obsoletes:  IMNX-2001-70-024-01
Author:   Seth Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  While researching the previous xinetd problem (announced by zen-parse
  and discussed in Immunix OS Advisory IMNX-2001-70-024-01), Sebastian
  Krahmer found some improper handling of strings when the length
  argument to its own internal string handling functions is less than or
  equal to zero. We think this could lead to arbitrary code execution by
  remote attackers.

  Because the string handling functions are called with arguments both
  on the stack and on the heap, StackGuard is only partially effective
  at stopping possible attacks. As a result, we advise all Immunix OS
  7.0 users upgrade immediately.

  This advisory is released only for Immunix OS 7.0 because 6.2 used
  inetd. This advisory supercedes IMNX-2001-70-024-01.

  Thanks to Sebastian Krahmer for finding the problem and Rob Braun for
  fixing the problem upstream.

  References: http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/194213

Package names and locations:
  Precompiled binary packages for Immunix 7.0-beta and 7.0 are available at:


  Source package for Immunix 7.0-beta and 7.0 is available at:


Immunix OS 7.0 md5sums:
  8d7e57365bb522c484e4e7435ca9eec5  RPMS/xinetd-2.3.0-1_imnx.i386.rpm
  294cfb7c6bd84e6ed27e723872179c1e  SRPMS/xinetd-2.3.0-1_imnx.src.rpm

GPG verification:
  Our public key is available at <http://wirex.com/security/GPG_KEY>.
  *** NOTE *** This key is different from the one used in advisories
  IMNX-2001-70-020-01 and earlier.

Online version of all Immunix 6.2 updates and advisories:

Online version of all Immunix 7.0-beta updates and advisories:

Online version of all Immunix 7.0 updates and advisories:

  Ibiblio is graciously mirroring our updates, so if the links above are
  slow, please try:
  or one of the many mirrors available at:

Contact information:
  To report vulnerabilities, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] WireX
  attempts to conform to the RFP vulnerability disclosure protocol

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