
I'm sending this email to announce that I'm going to start up the weekly
Security Meetings in the IRC/Matrix channel.  About two months ago I sent
in an email to this mailing list and haven't heard any response and there
hasn't been any meetings during that period.  That's ok.  It's an open
source project and I know people get busy and priorities change from time
to time.  I spoke with Matthew Miller and Ben Cotton about stepping up and
doing what I can to get the team going again or at the least give it some
sign of life until prior members or new members are able to dedicate time
to it.

Here's my plan.  Currently the wiki states that the security meetings are
on Thursday at 15 UTC in #fedora-meeting.  To avoid conflicts with other
meetings I'm going to hold it at the same time, but within the
#fedora-security channel until I can figure out a better time that won't
conflict with other meetings and will also be time convenient for those in
the US and Europe.  I may end up changing the time to immediately follow
the PgM meetings on Wednesday since I'm around for those as well.   But
initially it'll be the same time and date as its currently documented but
in the security channel:

My plan is to be a point of contact for the community and projects to
report security issues and who have security questions.  I'll be getting
with the infrastructure guys to get zodbot to join the channel, but in the
meantime I'll be taking notes anytime something comes up and saving it. I
will be creating a gitlab repo this week, where all meeting logs and notes
can be kept as well as being a place where people can create tickets for
issues for us to track.  When I spoke with Ben he agreed that Gitlab would
be a better location than using the wiki since we need a place to store
files and track tickets.

Since Fedora mostly consumes upstream projects most of the active security
work will be upstream in the respective projects, but there's still work to
be done at the Fedora level.  Of which I see four primary areas:
A) Monitoring things that are reported to the team.
B) Reporting and working upstream on any reports/issues that come in
C) Managing Community questions about security issues
D) Shepherding of long term project with security impacts

An example of the last of those would be the systemd service security
hardening which came up on the devel mailing list that I have previously
spoken with Matthew about shepherding.

I'm happy to have assistance from anyone who has time or interest in
pitching in.

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