Dear Educator, Columbine (Littleton, CO)....Jonesboro, AR....West Paducah, KY....Pearl, MS... Immediately, you know why these places are linked together. The names of these schools are forever burned into our memories and the national conscience... Are you concerned about the rising number of incidents of violence in our schools? Would you like to lower the probabilty of such an incident from occuring at your school? Would you like to help our children better cope with the pressures of modern life - helping to prevent issues such as substance abuse, teen pregnancy and suicide? If you answered yes to any of these questions - then read on..... The Resilient Kids CD ROM Program is used in schools, churches, and homes to teach optimism, coping skills, and personal mastery and helps to prevent depression in young people. This program, launched in April 2000, is now in over 1,000 primary and secondary schools across Australia. With its light-hearted, interactive approach, the Resilient Kids CD ROM Program strives to achieve the following objectives: - Reducing the incidence of suicide in the young by teaching primary prevention strategies. - Teaching children how to evaluate their automatic thoughts and to re-look at failures or set-backs as challenges to be reacted to with activity and hope. - Teaching parents how to help their children achieve self-esteem through personal mastery. - Creating a sense of belonging through parents and school working together for the childs well being. - Equipping older teenagers with ideas and skills for managing the transition from adolescence to adulthood and handling typical stressful situations. - Taking a serious problem and making it easy to communicate and fun to learn through interactivity. The program's success is due to: - A clear format for instant implementation - Colorful, fun-filled interactive material suitable for all reading ages and learning abilities - Practicality. It will not burden crowded curriculums or overload teachers - A built-in, prepared parent education component Resilience Training - the most effective way for both primary and secondary schools to address the serious social problems of depression, suicide and substance abuse. Take advantage of this unique program and teach your students how to "bounce back positively." Resilient Kids is a positive, effective and enjoyable prevention program for your school community. Please visit us at or call for more information about ordering online, our parent/teacher resiliency seminars, or our newly released parent CD package. To order, simply go to and order online. You can email [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you have any questions or to request an order form. To reach us by phone, call (501) 267-3710 or fax (501) 267-1283. We accept all major credit cards. Products may be sold within a school (e.g. Parents) at cost, but not outside the school. All Programs may be ordered on approval at no charge, to be paid for or returned (customer to pay return freight) within 2 school weeks in new condition. If not returned, full purchase price will be due and payable. ****************************** Under Bill s.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th US Congress this letter cannot be considered spam as long as the sender includes contact information and a method of removal. You have received this email as you are believed to be in the educational field. If you feel you received this email in error, please visit to have your email address permanently removed from our database. ********************************************************************** To be removed from this list, send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please note that it may take up to 72 hours to process your request.