Bob, can you point me to a specific citation in the National Industrial Security Program manual?    The reason I am asking is that I had heard the same info you stated below.  However, when I briefly looked at the NIS manual I found 2 references.    The first,  Chapter 5 5-702 Retetion of Classified Material relating to contractors and 2 years.   The second, Chapter 8-602a Audit Requirements stating retain for "at least one review cycle or as rquired by the Cognizant Security Agency".     I cannot seem to find the 6 month reference.  thanks for your help
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Starling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 4:37 PM
Subject: RE: retention of documentation

In the Guidelines for Academic Medical Centers on Security and Privacy published by the Association for American Medical Colleges, with regard to audit controls they state:
The required retention period for audit log data may vary. In general, at least several months of data are necessary to adequately investigate instances of inappropriate access. The National Industrial Security Program, which oversees the protection of U.S. government classified information, requires at least six months of log data. This may be a reasonable and defensible goal for Academic Medical Centers as well.
Also see: SEC.06 Internal Audit, SEC.09 Security Incident Procedures, PRIV.53 Complaints,
and PRIV.54 Sanctions.
Bob Starling, Information Services, VP5
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
(Mail Location Code 9009)
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Phone: 513.636.7519
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>>> "Street, Bunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/12/02 10:21:44 AM >>>
Although the security regs are in proposed status, is anyone aware of
references to retention requirements for documentation; such as how long
should audit information be retained?  Thanks

Leslie Street
Privacy Specialist
Mountain States Health Alliance
Johnson City, TN 36704

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