Don't miss these important events geared to assist your HIPAA implementation efforts!

WEDI SNIP June 5 Audiocast, "HIPAA Extension:  Critical Steps for Meeting the New Transaction Compliance Date"

Registrations are being accepted for our June 5 audiocast through 6:00 EDT, June 4.  Don't miss this important event.  Not sure how to address the Administrative Simplification Compliance Act (ASCA)?  This insightful forum explains how ASCA impacts your organization and how to apply for the one-year extension for the HIPAA Electronic Transactions and Code Sets.  Learn how to make the most effective use of your time by taking practical steps that guide your organization towards compliance.  Leading industry experts will walk you through the compliance form, explaining each question.  By the end of the audio conference, you will understand the critical steps for planning your compliance effort, and how to submit the form and receive an extension.  To learn more about the event, or to register, visit   The fee is $125 for WEDI Members, and $150 for Nonmembers.  Audiocassettes of the event will also be available for the same cost.  Orders are now being accepted through the event registration page.  This audiocast is sponsored in part by Infotech Global Inc.,

WEDI Transactions Addenda PAG, June 11, Chicago

WEDI is conducting a Policy Advisory Group (PAG) forum to review the NPRMs on adopting the addenda to the HIPAA implementation guides, developed by the DSMOs and the retraction of the NDC Codes as the standard codes for drugs.  The PAG will be held on June 11, 2002 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Chicago. You can register by visiting the "What's New" section of the WEDI website at  This PAG forum on the Addendas is particularly important to you and your organization, and will address the issues and concerns many of you have raised in recent months regarding these proposed modifications to the Transaction standards.  The Forum is open to all interested organizations and individuals impacted by the HIPAA '96 Administrative Simplification rules.  Our purpose will be to review the proposed NPRMs, focusing on specific issues and concerns being raised by WEDI members and industry representatives.  The PAG co-chairs will have conducted a thorough review of the NPRMs, comparing and contrasting the language therein with the current Final Rule and concentrating on selected issues which are generating the most commentary and concern.  The WEDI Board of Directors will utilize the PAG recommendations to formulate its comments as Advisor to HHS on HIPAA and as input to WEDI SNIP and its industry HIPAA implementation role.  The fee for the one day PAG is $175 for WEDI Members and $250 for Nonmembers.

June 24 WEDI SNIP Audiocast, "Proposed Privacy Changes: Understanding How to Address a Moving Target"

WEDI SNIP announces it's second event of the audiocast series, "Proposed Privacy Changes: Understanding How to Address a Moving Target".  This audiocast describes the proposed changes to the privacy regulation and provides critical insight into the impact these changes present. Hear from experts regarding practical strategies for moving forward with compliance.  Speakers include Lesley Berkeyheiser, The Clayton Group, Tom Hanks, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and a Government representative.  The fee is $125 for WEDI Members, and $150 for Nonmembers.  Registration for this event will open in a few days, and will be accessible at  Audiocassettes of the event will also be available for the same cost.  This audiocast is sponsored in part by Infotech Global Inc.,

WEDI SNIP Meetings in 2002

WEDI SNIP is hosting two additional face to face meetings in 2002.  Don't miss our next WEDI SNIP Forum, which is being held September 9-11, 2002, in Chicago.  The Second Annual WEDI SNIP HIPAA Implementation Summit will run from November 19-21, 2002, in Phoenix, Arizona.  Registration for both events will be open on the SNIP website, before the end of the month.

Please contact Kristin Becker, at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or 703/391-2714 for more information on any of these events.

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