I would like to suggest a discussion about guidelines for vendor
communications under the various WEDI & SNIP forums.  Frankly, I hate spam
more than most of you! and that's saying a lot!

As a vendor of multiple HIPAA related products, as well as the publisher of
our own info site (www.hipaahelpnow.com), I too have products that I would
like to share from time to time.  Obviously, some of these products will be
of great significance, and deserve consideration.  However, I too find blind
spamming of the lists to be seriously offensive.  And apparently, some just
don't get it.

Therefore, I would like to suggest a couple of ideas to help keep this sane.
As well as propose a tooth or two.  Please share your thoughts about this.
I realize that this may not pertain directly to all forums, but we are
seeing spam hit all forums, hence my reason for the broad addressing of this


1)  All commercially related email should have a subject line starting with:
COMMERCIAL MESSAGE  - at least they can be easily recognized, and if you
desire, you can read or delete them.  It also demonstrates a vendor
considerate enough of your time to be honest.

2)  All commercially related email should come from a company principal,
with a real email address, where product questions or complaints can be
addressed and resolved.

3)  Commercial email should be short and to the point, referring to a
website, rather than be 14 pages of useless text.  Anyone who is interested
will look further, those who are not can glance and move on.

4)  NO HTML commercial email.  Let's not play games with cookies, spy ware,
or url tags.

5)  NO attachments EVER!

Now for the teeth!

I propose to the list manager, and the WEDI webmaster & IT staff that
violators of the guidelines, have their domain excluded from all WEDI lists,
and that their info be turned over to SPAMHAUS.com as a spammer.

I, for one, am very grateful that I have the ability to observe and learn.
Frankly I would not want these lists to turn into junk mail as so many in
other industries have.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.  I hope this leads to a solution
to this problem.

Tim McGuinness, Ph.D.

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