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"Karen Carnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

07/03/02 10:07 AM

        Subject:        Re: Remove me from these lists please!

Please remove me from your lists.  Thank you.

                     "Tary Kaylor"                                                                                                          
                     <TaryKaylor@Provider-Adv         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED], "    " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, " " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "  
                     antage.com>                      " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                                      
                     07/02/2002 09:23 PM              Subject: Remove me from these lists please!                                            
                     Please respond to                                                                                                      

Tary Kaylor
Director of Product Development
Provider Advantage NW, Inc.
Tele:  (503) 546-5321
Fax:  (503)-292-1490

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The WEDI SNIP listserv to which you are subscribed is not moderated. The discussions on this listserv therefore represent the views of the individual participants, and do not necessarily represent the views of the WEDI Board of Directors nor WEDI SNIP. If you wish to receive an official opinion, post your question to the WEDI SNIP Issues Database at http://snip.wedi.org/tracking/. Posting of advertisements or other commercial use of this listserv is specifically prohibited.

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