
Depending on the size of your organization, you might have multiple
contingency plans although they should all be part of a larger Disaster
Recovery Plan (or Business Continuity Plan as it is also called). For
example, your organization could have a rather extensive DRP/BCP that covers
all Departments/Groups. Yet the IT shop may also have a contingency plan
that is oriented towards them, as might the other Departments. The
contingency plan should fit into the DRP/BCP to ensure priorities, resources
are maximized.

Thank You,

Lee Kelly, CISSP
Manager, Assessment Services
Fortrex Technologies
1-877-Fortrex - Office
1-301-906-6269 - Cell

-----Original Message-----
From: Matlack, Ann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 2:26 PM
To: WEDI Security listserv (E-mail)
Subject: Contingency Plans

We've been asked a question that has given us pause, and wondered if someone
on this listserve might be able to help.

In developing Contingency Plans, should EMO Plans, etc., be targeted
specifically to data recovery, or must they be broader?  Should our plans
include only how we propose to get the data systems back on line, or must we
also include how personnel, communications, building repairs, etc., NOT

Ann Higgins Matlack
Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service
Institute for Public Sector Innovation
295 Water Street
Augusta, ME  04330
Tel.  (207) 626-5038

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