The NPRM did not eliminate NDC billing from the 837s.  It only eliminated the standard for what code set to use for billing drugs and biologics on these transactions.  NDC billing on 837s is still required when required by a payer to properly adjudicate the claim.  Many Medicaid programs will likely require NDCs for this billing.
Walt Troidl
State of Indiana Medicaid
HIPAA Project Manager
317 234-1631
-----Original Message-----
From: David A. Feinberg, C.D.P. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: NDC Code Standards

1.    Not sure why you're sending this message to WEDI's security list server rather than, say, business, transactions, and/or codesets.  But since you did ...
2.    The current HIPAA Electronic Transactions regulations don't call for HCPCS drugs and biologics codes to become NDC codes.  Rather, the regulations call for ceasing all use of HCPCS codes for drugs and biologics, and only using NDC codes.  And therein lies a huge problem.
3.    HCPCS drugs and biologics codes do not match to NDC codes; particularly in settings other than Retail Pharmacy.
4.    As a consequence, the 5/31/2002 "Modifications to Standards for Electronic Transactions and Code Sets" NPRM
    (a) proposed that NDC codes be used only in Retail Pharmacy transactions,
    (b) tentatively eliminated all HIPAA codes standards for drugs and biologics outside of Retail Pharmacy transactions,     and
    (c) asked for public comments on what drugs and biologics codes standards -- perhaps HCPCS -- should be used in transactions outside of the Retail Pharmacy setting.
[Note:  The comment period on this NPRM closed on 1 July.]
5.    So, to answer your real question ... nobody really knows right now!  Do you, perchance, know one or more NDC codes for thallous chloride or other radiological 'injectables'?
Don't know if the above helps or not, but that's the way it is, Friday, 12 July 2002.
                    Dave Feinberg
                    Rensis Corporation  [A Consulting Company]
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 12:57 PM

In researching HIPAA transaction code standards we see that the current HCPCS drug codes will become 11 digit NDC codes.  Does this also include radiopharamceutical agents utilized in cardiac nuclear imaging procedures such as thallous chloride (A9505)?. 

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