Several listservs have had discussions about various telephony issues and here is a case study.




David Frenkel

Business Development


Global Leader in Ecommerce Tools




Doctors, Nurses to Use VoIP Wireless Phones at USC Hospital


SpectraLink Corp. installed its NetLink Wireless Telephones in the University of Southern California (USC) University Hospital.  USC University Hospital has equipped its doctors, nurses, and other staff with more than 275 NetLink telephones, enabling them to make and receive calls wherever they are within the facility in order to improve response times to calls and improve the care they provide to patients and their families.  The NetLink Wireless Telephones are integrated with a Cisco CallManager IP telephony application, which is tied to the hospital's existing Nortel Networks Meridian

1(R) PBX.  Calls are relayed over an 802.11b wireless local area network through a series of access points installed throughout the facility.



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