Title: Message

I don't disagree that the loss of portable devices which may contain PHI is an issue. However, short of handcuffing the device to the user I don't see how this can be totally prevented. An enterprise must have security policies and procedures governing the use of portable devices and then enforce them.We're dealing with human behaviors, and they are not totally controllable.
What other mechanism do you have in mind to preclude the loss/theft of portable devices?
Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
39432 North Avenue
Beach Park, IL 60099
Voice: 847-872-8070
Fax: 847-872-6860
-----Original Message-----
From: David Frenkel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 3:48 PM
Subject: RE: Laptop losses

think this area needs more discussion.  Very few organizations have P&P to deal with the issue of mobile devices from a data and hardware perspective.  Considering the number of classified laptops the US government looses how many are left behind at airport screening areas and general loss and theft it is somewhat of an ignored issue.




David Frenkel

Business Development


Global Leader in Ecommerce Tools



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