Title: Winzip & password and e-mail
Carolyn, he doesn't exactly say that they are transactions.  Only PHI - if they are transactions, I completely agree with you.  If they are not, then this would be minimal protection from incidental disclosure only - until the security rule deadline requires stronger protections.

Tim McGuinness, Ph.D.
Consulting Specialist in Regulatory Privacy, Security, and Application Compliance (HIPAA/ASCA/FDA/CMS-HCFA/ICH/ADA 508c),
HIPAA Help Now
Executive Co-Chairman for Privacy,
HIPAA Conformance Certification Organization (HCCO)

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-----Original Message-----
From: Price, Carolyn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 4:29 PM
Subject: RE: Winzip & password and e-mail

HIPAA mandates that all transactions sent via the web be encrypted.  Since the example you give is NOT encrypted, it is not allowed at all.
Carolyn Price
-----Original Message-----
From: Fify Taslim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 11:40 AM
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 'business@wed[i.org'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Winzip & password and e-mail

Hello all,

Thank you in advance for all your valuable the responds.
I have Privacy issue question today. Is this scenario still HIPAA compliant or not allowed at all?  Scenario: sending daily file containing member PHI through e-mail. The file are zipped [Winzip]and password protected, and no encryption were done.

Any suggestion/recommendation to HIPAA compliance are welcome.


Fify Taslim, MD, MBA

Care1st Health Plan
Compliance Specialist/HIPAA Coordinator
Ph. (626) 299-4299 ex.376
Fx. (626) 628-3263

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