I am Momin Reja from  Dhaka Bangladesh. I am doing Msc in jahangirnagar
University.In my M.Sc. Research i have to use Sedna.I can use this.I had to
insert a whole XML file into the database as string.
But the main problem is that,when the xml file is inserted,Sedna rearranges the
xml node and content in an standarr xml format.This is my problem.I have to
insert the xml into sedna as i said,How is this possible.?
This is very important to me because i am actually working with XML digital
signature.here the signed XML is to be inserted into the Sedna.And i am signing
the whole XML.that's why i need to keep the XML unchanged
even after inserting and retrieving the xml from Sedna.How can i do this.How can
i protect the Sedna not to change the input format..??I will be very gratefull
to you.

Thanks in advance
Md.Momin reja
Jahangirnagar University

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