Hi all,
Is it possible to throw a dynamic error from an XQuery module? I'm referring
to the fn:error function. I get the following error when I try to load my
2013/02/25 11:34:29 database query/update failed (SEDNA Message: ERROR
It is a static error if an expression is not a valid instance of the grammar
defined in A.1 EBNF.
Details: at (74:7), syntax error, unexpected QName
This is a function from the module:
declare function vp:getMapSubtitle($vp as element(value-proposition)*) as
xs:string? {
if (count($vp) < 2)
then data($vp/topicmeta/subtitle)
let $vp_ids := for $single_vp in $vp return data($single_vp/@id)
error(xs:QName("vp:getMapSubtitle"), "More than one VPs provided",
Any suggestions?
Best regards,
Ivan Lagunov
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