Hi Charles,
We're having serious performance issues, probably reached the critical
number of documents in the database. According to Ivan Shcheklein, it is
likely to be caused by using doc("documents") function that actually locks
all collections in the database, thus, drastically decreasing performance.
Your implementation of XML:DB API works great for small datasets but
according to event.log it uses doc("documents") quite a lot. So it may
indeed result in bad performance I'm facing. As an improvement, there have
been implemented a function fn:doc-available that checks if a document is
available in the given collection. It locks only one collection. This is an
example of usage:
doc-available("collection", "document")
Could you please update the Sedna XML:DB API implementation using this
function? I understand it's recommended to migrate to XQJ implementation but
it's really hard to rewrite all the code we have. Nevertheless, I've planned
to investigate required efforts for this migration but we need some solution
on short notice. Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Ivan Lagunov
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