Hi Ivan,
Yep, this a bug. We'll fix it (I hope it should be easy). Thank you for
your feedback.
Ivan Shcheklein,
Sedna Team
On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 8:56 PM, Ivan Lagunov <lagi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,****
> ** **
> It seems there might be a bug with the lately implemented feature – XQuery
> stacktraces. This is what I caught:****
> ** **
> Caused by: ru.ispras.sedna.driver.DriverException: SEDNA Message: ERROR
> XPTY0004****
> It is a type error if, during the static analysis phase, an expression is
> found to have a static type that is not appropriate for the context in
> which the expression oc****
> curs, or during the dynamic evaluation phase, the dynamic type of a value
> does not match a required type as specified by the matching rules in 2.5.4
> SequenceType Matchi****
> ng.****
> Details: Error in function call. Return value does not match the required
> type. Expected type is [element(value-proposition)?], more than one item is
> given.****
> Stack trace:****
> vp:getValuePropositionMap at 32:61****
> rdfutil:getURI at 32:61****
> documentsRdf:getLangSpecURI at 25:3****
> dita-value-proposition2rdf:getVpInformationElement at 38:52****
> dita-value-proposition2rdf:fromFilesRaw at 32:10****
> rdfutil:wrapRDF at 190:19****
> dita-value-proposition2rdf:fromFiles at 190:3****
> dita-value-proposition...mAllDitaValuePropositions at 195:3****
> (main module) at 2:1****
> ** **
> However, vp:getValuePropositionMap is not called from rdfutil:getURI. This
> is how the stacktrace should look:****
> ** **
> Stack trace:****
> vp:getValuePropositionMap at 32:61****
> dita-value-proposition2rdf:fromFilesRaw at 32:10****
> dita-value-proposition2rdf:fromFiles at 190:3****
> dita-value-proposition...mAllDitaValuePropositions at 195:3****
> (main module) at 2:1****
> ****
> So there are simply excessive calls shown that should not be there.
> Moreover, I even guess what is the root cause. It may be because I use
> chained function calls:****
> ** **
> dita-value-proposition2rdf:getVpInformationElement(vp:getValuePropositionMap($vpId))
> ****
> and****
> rdfutil:wrapRDF(dita-value-proposition2rdf:fromFilesRaw($files))****
> ** **
> As a result, Sedna probably tries to pass already incorrect parameters
> further to outer functions and they occasionally fail too. Then Sedna adds
> all those failed functions to the stacktrace although only inner ones
> actually caused that XQuery to fail. Hopefully, it’ll be easy to fix.****
> ** **
> Best regards,****
> Ivan Lagunov****
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