Hi Miranda,
In Sedna schema is defined by the documents stored in the database. So, all
you need is the LOAD statement:
Ivan Shcheklein,
Sedna Team
On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Jacobson, Miranda <
mjacob...@volcanocorp.com> wrote:
> Hello,****
> ** **
> I am using sedna and can successfully launch the governor, create a
> database and create a connection. But if I try to query I get a document
> not found error . I have looked over the documentation and can’t find a way
> to initialize the database with the schema I will be using? Also if I do
> initialize the database with my schema how to I test it next time my
> application runs so I don’t overwrite the database if it has been
> initialized and records have been added? ****
> This is the actual error I get:****
> ** **
> "SEDNA Message: ERROR FODC0002****
> Error retrieving resource. ****
> Details: Document 'PATIENT_TEST_DB'****
> Query line: 7, column:13”****
> ** **
> I am also attaching my event log. ****
> ** **
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. ****
> ** **
> Miranda Jacobson****
> Senior Software Engineer****
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