i'm using Sedna DB XML, i've installed and configured the application in a
CentOS system on a phisical machine with 32GB RAM and 1 TB of Hard-disk.
My actual DB-Collection contains 130Gb of XML and the Sedna configuration
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
This is a part of XML i want to index (xml is contained in a Collection):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<s2xStatus Reload="N">
I've tried to create some indexs on dark-green keys to increase
performance in query execution:
CREATE INDEX "bs_index_ndg"
ON collection("CERVED_FULL")/s2xResponse//IfisInfo BY ndg
AS xs:string
USING "bstrie" &
CREATE INDEX "bs_index_fc"
ON collection("CERVED_FULL")/s2xResponse//IfisInfo BY fiscal_code
AS xs:string
USING "bstrie" &
CREATE INDEX "bs_index_last"
ON collection("CERVED_FULL")/s2xResponse//IfisInfo BY is_last
AS xs:string
USING "bstrie" &
I'm using a heavy query to test performance:
for $a in collection('CERVED_FULL')/s2xResponse
where $a/IfisInfo/is_last/text() = "true" and (
$a/IfisInfo/ndg/text() = "value1" or
$a/IfisInfo/ndg/text() = "value2" or
[~4000 OR value conditions]
This query give me result in ~240 seconds, the same time before and after
index creation.
Is something wrong in my INDEX creation?
Is there any configuration parameter i can change to increase performance?
Every day i load ~100 new xml document on db and the same query, with the
same number of OR condition (identical query), lose some time in execution,
so i think is an INDEX problem.
Any suggestions?
Thank you very much
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