Hi Matteo,

Try to zip and move SEDNA_HOME/data/{db_name}_files. And don't forget to
copy SEDNA_HOME/cfg/{db_name}.cfg.

Ivan Shcheklein,
Sedna Team

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 8:47 PM, Matteo Faralli <matteo.fara...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> i'm using export function to backup my xml sedna db and migrate on another
> server.
> I've 263.939 xml document inside and now, after 36 hours the export log
> (export_log.txt)
> is reporting this:
> Exporting document 10790 of 263939 [declare option se:output "indent=no";
> doc("0a6fe2e8e404a52c7ee5a2d8acc2c7b11d7e2973ad8c8adc60edcdf9dd0d329b","CERVED_FULL")]...done
> Why is it so slow? Is this normal? My db size is 400GB. Is there another
> way to backup and migrate my db to another sedna db (on other machine)
> without waiting a week?
> Thank you
> Matteo
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