While interesting, I am always skeptical of these types of analysis.

1. Tuning: 
a. Sedna is written in C/C++, the other 2 systems are Java based. Java based
systems always require some type of Java VM option tuning based on the
problem space.  
b. Sedna in a production environment also requires some tuning.  I have
spent effort in turning Sedna and eXistDb.  
c. Including tuning options (outside of indexing) is important.

2. Alternatives.
There are also other free options, such as DB2 express.  I've talked to
several people that prefer DB2 express for XQuery.

3. Test scenarios
a. Are the XQuery drivers equivalent?  Did you use REST for eXistDB & xBase
and not Sedna?  Sedna driver is lean and mean, REST has some inherit

b.  All the documents are stored as separate documents?
What about the scenario of a single <Outletinfos> parent document with
Outletinfo documents as children?
I've pushed a single 2 GB XML document, with Outletinfo type documents as

c.  What about batch updating?

d.  Is the full test suite available for review?

4. The project activity test
There has not been an official release of Sedan since Nov 2011.  The lack of
a iterative release model/plan has me concerned.

5. Stack memory space. 
Large queries will cause stack depth problems in Senda.  If you end up
writing XQuery with deep recursion, things will fail.
We overcame the problem by splinting up the problem and putting recursion in
the code calling Senda.

6. Understanding the model
I suggest reading link that is a technical discussion Zorba.

Page 7 compares some of the XQuery offerings and talks in detail about the
different models.

For instances, SEDNA offers an iterator processing model while DB2
XML-Extended Relational engine.

The doc discusses the advantages & disadvantages of the different models.


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