This is not possible. It used to be in plans, but I am not sure of it's
current status.

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Milan Vidaković <> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> in exist db I am able to make and invoke function which contains update:
>  declare function local:doInsertDokument($tip as xs:string, $sbroj as
> xs:positiveInteger, $datizd as xs:date, $jmbg as xs:string)
>     as xs:boolean{
>         let $i := update insert <Dokument tip="{$tip}" sbroj="{$sbroj}"
> datizd="{$datizd}" jmbg="{$jmbg}"/> preceding
> doc("sup.xml")//sup/Dokument[1]
>         return true()
> };
> I wasn't able to do so in Sedna, and as far as I understand, it is not
> possible (yet). Is it really not possible to make function which contains
> update, and if it is not possible, are there any plans to enable this?
> --
> Best regards,
> Milan
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