Ivan, do you have a connection pool? I see one of the se_trn processes
waiting for socket read.

If you don't have a connection pool, it just might be a client problem.
I'll take a deeper look anyway, just next time it happens, could you please
try to shutdown the client thread, if it's even possible.

On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 5:30 AM, Ivan Lagunov <lagi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been facing major issues with Sedna hanging regularly for the last
> two weeks (after several months of stable work). I tried to do the complete
> export-import of data using se_exp but Sedna still hangs regularly. Looking
> into event.log does not help as queries differ every time. Sometimes it
> looks like Sedna hangs after some heavy query (with huge response) while in
> other cases there are no heavy queries to suspect. I've written a script to
> collect the following logs/dumps you will find in the archives:
> event.log - the last Sedna event log till the moment DB hangs and is
> stopped;
> sedna_procs.txt - list of all Sedna processes (ps -ef);
> netstat.txt - list of all ESTABLISHED connections;
> ipcs.txt - results of ipcs -s;
> <pid>.txt - results of gdb with bt for all threads of a Sedna process
> (available for all processes at the moment of hanging). This is collected
> automatically for threads 1-4 of each process.
> I'm providing two sets of logs/dumps for two separate hanging events:
> 25th September - seemed to hang without any heavy queries:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/2luq53cstc4t3tl/sedna_debug_info1.zip?dl=0
> 2nd October - hanged after a heavy query:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/scmszq9yphyv6xf/sedna_debug_info2.zip?dl=0
> The heavy query occurs at LOG   02/10/2014 11:10:20
> If you can find out the cause of the hangings, it'd be the best. Otherwise
> it'd be nice to hear some recommendations at least on how to avoid these
> issues/minimize an impact. May be I need to upgrade to some later version
> but I'm currently using 3.5.615 that is already a night build that we had
> to upgrade to after some older issue (reported back in March-April of
> 2013). I'd try some 3.5 or 3.6 version but without knowing the reason there
> is no guarantee the potential bug is fixed in the later night build.
> Also it'd be really nice if there was an official release for 3.5 with all
> the latest bug fixes (I see the last night build is 3.5.627 of 8th May
> 2013).
> Best regards,
> Ivan Lagunov
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