Hi Zdenek,

Please, try to install Sedna to the path without spaces in it. Let me know
if it works.


On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Sojma, Zdenek <zdenek.so...@honeywell.com>

>  Hi Ivan,
> The database stopped again so I am sending you the event.log file together
> with our simple log from running service (I did not find any fault* file).
> The se_term.exe returns following error when I try to connect:
> failed to open session
> SEDNA Message: ERROR SE3003
> Failed to connect to the specified host.
> Details: localhost:5050
> I did not try the lates build yet, but I am going to in near future. We
> are currently using Windows 7 x86 and we install binary version of latest
> 3.5.161 sedna from your websites.
> Thank you,
> Zdenek
> *From:* Ivan Shcheklein [mailto:shchekl...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, October 06, 2014 14:44
> *To:* Sojma, Zdenek
> *Cc:* sedna-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* Re: [Sedna-discussion] Long term stability
> Hi Zdenek,
> 1. Try the latest build 3.6 from
> http://modis.ispras.ru/FTPContent/sedna/all-builds/3.6/?C=M;O=D
> 2. What OS do you use?
> 3. Do you build Sedna from sources?
> 4. Next time, please, save and send us event.log* and fault* files from
> the SEDNA_HOME/data folder.
> Regards,
> Ivan Shcheklein
> Sedna Team
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Sojma, Zdenek <zdenek.so...@honeywell.com>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are using the Sedna which we run as a service for a long time. We
> regularly log into the database, store one document and log out. Everything
> works well for a while (month or more) and then the Sedna randomly stops
> working and we cannot even connect to it. Only thing that works for us is
> to delete the database and create it again. I know that this is a long
> shot, but do you have some known issue that can cause this? We have also
> troubles to replicate the error state, so we cannot debug it deeper? Can
> you please tell us where we can look for some troubleshooting information?
> (some log, etc.)
> I also want to ask you how does it look like with development? Latest
> version released is 3.5.161 from Jan. 2012. Do you plan further
> development/support of the Sedna?
> Thank you for your answer.
> Best regards
> Zdenek Sojma
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