Why do you try to compile Sedna in MinGW? I afraid you will fail to compile
it using Mingw, it's was never supported afaik. You should use Visual
studio compiler or GCC or Clang on Windows platform for Sedna. And only
Visual studio builds were tested on Windows, GCC and Clang should be ok but
potentially dangerous
On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Teo Argentieri <teoargenti...@yahoo.it>
> Hello fellow developers,
> I would like to implement a Sedna based application on Windows. My IDE of
> choice is QtCreator and I need to build the libraries by myself as I cannot
> use the precompiled binaries for windows.
> Following http://www.sedna.org/install.html#srcfull_gui_conf, I used
> CMake GUI to configure and generate the Makefile. No problems there.
> But when I tried to compile the source files with the latest version of
> MinGw, mingw32-make returned with a lot of errors the like of "unknown type
> name 'LPWSTR' " and other windows data type references errors.
> I looked for a solution in the forums but couldn't find anything useful.
> Can you please give some pointers to solve the issue?
> Thank you very much for your help!
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