Hi Alan and others, the list mentioned below is closed.
Here is the result when trying to subscribe:

>>>> subscribe isp
You tried to "subscribe" to a closed list "isp" at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have some closed lists:

   Some lists that are aliases for other lists. 
   The list "test" is an alias for "freebsd-test".
   If you tried to subscribe a list of this type,
   please subscribe to "freebsd-isp" instead.

If you have any questions about the policy of the list owner, please
contact "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan S. Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [SaF] mailinf list about isp's

> FREEBSD-ISP           Internet Services Providers
> This list discusses issues related to FreeBSD in an ISP environment:
> BODY: subscribe isp

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