I think the combo of all the sweeteners makes it better..... hahaha ... maybe
where one fails, the others pick up the slack? Not quite the same when it
comes to TVs though, eh? Sorry for the bad experience you had... I'd be
skeptical now as well! Try before you buy is my moto with EVERYTHING, except
for stuff you have to buy, then try, then return. :o)
In a message dated 2/12/01 3:05:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,
I find it interesting that you really like Splenda. In this month's Consumer
Reports magazine there is an article about Splenda. It says in their tests
they found Splenda good only for cold drinks like iced tea. They said when
they cooked with it the taste and texture of the foods was quite bad. That
makes me wonder about the validity of their reports. I once bought a large TV
set on their recommendation. They said it had two tuners in it so that you
didn't need a VCR in order to use the Picture-in-a-Picture feature. Wrong. It
had only one tuner. I double checked they magazine article and it did say the
set had two tuners. Hmmm.... Is Consumer Reports all it's cracked up to be???