There are two La Quintas adjacent to the airport, both on Loop 410. They
are just a few hundred blocks apart. I have stayed in both while on quick
in-and-out trips to SA, and they are just fine.
At 12:53 PM 2/12/2001, you wrote:
>Here are a couple of links. I don't know if you will find what you want,
>but hope this helps.
>If you go to, and type "san antonio hotels near airport"
>you will find even more.
>At 10:31 AM 2/12/01 -0500, you wrote:
>>Morning All Finders and Seekers!
>>Does anyone have any ideas/opinions on what would be a descent-priced and
>>safe hotel to crash at for 24 hours on a layover in San Antonio?
>Mayan Avitable