On 17 Feb 2001, 7:45, Sajeev Cholayil wrote:
> Why is it that my hotmail inbox is always full with spam? My yahoo inbox
> is cleaner. I have not subscribed to such newsletters and each time I
> check my Hotmail, there is at least 10 or more spam mail suggesting photo
> sites and the like. Thank you, sajeev.
I should think that would be an excellent question to pose to
Hotmail, themselves. :-)
Send spam complaints to:
Hotmail does provide you methods to block spam. You might click upon
the Help link to read how to stop spam or block senders.
Nevertheless, I think you make a valid observation. Hotmail does
tend to catch more spam than most other webmail accounts. At least
that is my unofficial opinion. As to why, we can only speculate. I
tend to be very distrustful of free services, but that does not stop
me from using and enjoying those services.
You should always understand and be aware beforehand, that when you
participate and accept free services in the Internet, you leave
yourself vulnerable for loss of privacy.
If the spam you are receiving into your Hotmail account is preventing
you from enjoying the use of that account, then just abandon it. You
can create another Hotmail account or look elsewhere for another
webmail account. There are probably over 2000 webmail services in
the Internet. Here is a good resource for you:
You might consider this...although webmail accounts such as Hotmail
and Yahoo give you a lot of great features, the lesser known webmail
services may be less vulnerable to catching spam. However, they
won't have as feature-rich a service. If you don't need all those
features that the big webmail services give you, then the smaller
services may actually be more to your liking.