I just had to see whether I can do this. Here is what I just did on a
"test." Go to MESSENGER and click COMMUNICATOR, then ADDRESS BOOK. Click
NEW LIST and give it a name. I called mine TEST. I called the Nickname
TEST for my purposes. Then drag entries from the ADDRESS BOOK or type
them in this list. When sending mail send it to this group using BCC.

 In the TO: when the message arrives at it destination will be the words
UNDISCLOSED RECIPIENTS. The message plus the sender will visible. I wish
I knew about this before!
G. M. Freeman
Beati Pacifici
Thanks for the 3 replies. The one with the BCC works, no doubt. The only
"cosmetic" inconvenience is that each recipient receives the mail without
his/her e-mail visible on it. Is this not againts the netiquette?
I could not make to work the option with paranthesis. Could be that I was
doing something wrong.

Thanks and best regards,

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