Hello Friends,
First of all, thanks to Alan for suggesting klox.
Next, Is there a chart or table anywhere on the net
that gives you the time in other cities in the world for
an Indian Standard Time?

Your friendly neighborhood Seeker,


>On 14 Apr 2001, at 14:02, Summer Rain wrote:
>> I hope to know if there is a clock of freeware for downloading, i
>> would paste the clock on my desktop, and sometimes i would check world
>> time, and if it enable to open/shutdown my computer automaticlly, if
>> it has a beautiful face, then would be better..Please could you tell
>> me where can find such one?
>Let's see...clock on desktop...freeware...beautiful interface...set 
>or check for multiple time zones...alarm to run applications....
>Well...the closest thing I know to your request, Alan, is "Klox." :-)

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