On 4/20/01 at 11:03 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>In a message dated 4/20/01 1:30:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>> I am proceeding on the starry-eyed assumption that you have or will have

>>multiple POP accounts and therefore require an e-mail client that offers
>What are you asking me? Do I have more than one email address that I wish
>the email client to check? Yes Or do I have more than one user who will be

>checking their email? NO.  

I was assuming the former rather than the latter.

>So far, I have set up Pegasus as a ONE USER 
>PROFILE.  I guess I need to configure it to retrieve both of my POP email 
>accounts. Which means I'll have to set it up for multiple user accounts, 
>right? hmmmmmm

>> There's another free e-mail client that supports multiple accounts
>>"Poco" which has won a number of awards and was mentioned earlier on this


>Checking into that this weekend. 

>Does the fact that the author's page is defunct usually equate with this 
>software not going to be stable or serviceable much longer?  I'd hate to
>it, use it, like it, then have to give it up for lack of support and 
>upgrades.  Know what I mean?

Foxtail is already quite stable. The author (Zang XiaoLong) is Chinese and
did an English version after the Chinese one. The current English version
is 2.1 but he has released version 3 in Chinese. Version 3 is supposed to
provide support for multiple SMTP servers among other things. Version 2.1
allows sending from only one account but can retrieve from multiple POPs

>> Saving the best (IMHO) for last, there's the little known but terrific 
>>e-mail client, "Calypso"

>I'm not totally adverse to paying for a good client.  But it has to be 
>GOOOOOOOD, easy and really really cool for me to shell out some moolah.
>if it's worth it, I'd pay in a heartbeat.  :o)

Try out all the likely candidates; that's what I did - virtually everything
is available for at least a 30 day trial if it's shareware. I went down
this path about six months ago and left no stone unturned or in this case,
e-mail client. From A-K Mail, Allegro Mail, Becky, Canine Mail, Vista Mail,
Connexion (whew - what a horror!) Transsoft Mail, Mail Warrior, Ezmail,
Pegasus, The Bat! Mail Navigator, Acorn Mail, Eudora, Poco, Phoenix and
finally to Calypso. (I even toyed briefly with Outlook Express but
abandoned it almost immediately as much too prone to virus attacks.) I am
somewhat tight-fisted  ;>) and it takes a lot to persuade me to part with
my pennies but Calypso is so easy to use and has such a multitude of
features that I felt it was worth the money.

Setting up multiple accounts in Pegasus is not for the faint-hearted but in
Calypso, one doesn't have to have "personalities", one simply adds another
account. All accounts can be polled during an automatic 'mail run' or only

The archival feature is also extremely useful as the messages that one
can't bear to part with begin to insidiously mount up adding MB after MB. I
thought that archiving might be a bit tricky but like virtually everything
in Calypso, it is a breeze to do. The filtering system is also terrific,
capable of filtering both outgoing and incoming mail and creating a folder
for a specific filter 'on the fly'.

I hope that you can find the time to try it.

A - parsimonious in Canada

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