The monitor Q first:
Why does it flicker from purple to blues and back to white?  It's
intermittant, but when it flickers, it FLICKERS!! I can always read the
screen, just in shades of magenta, indigo, and polar whites. Does it have
anything to do with the following story?  Please say no!!  :o(

Begin Story:

Oddly enough, when I had that virus that destroyed my computer last week, I
also found out, one appliance at a time over the next 2 days, that a few of
my other electronic devices weren't working.

Let me explain further:
Tuesday night (at the height of the virus thing here at my house), we also
had a HUGE electrical storm. Now, I am totally immortal and invincable
::snicker::  so I didn't think to turn off any of my major running
appliances such as computer, microwave, stereo, TVs and computer monitor.

OK.. So I woke up the morning  on Wednesday I think it was, after I had
bought all new components for my computer -- rip roaring and ready to tackle
the project myself -- and I go to make my coffee in the microwave .    Not
working    And I blame it on my son who (although not home at the time to
hear me rant) is NOTORIOUS for sneaking non-food items into the microwave
just to see how they melt.   Peeved, I move to the stove to heat up my
coffee the old fashioned way.

With hot coffee in hand, I get into my home office and (try to) click on my
stereo.  Ummm  .. no luck.  I check the plug. Yep. Plugged in. I check the
security switch on the back that prevents "little fingers" from accessing
the settings (Aiwa thinks outside the box).  It's activated, but the stereo
is not.  It's as dead as the microwave.

In the interim, I go to the control panel (on the house not the computer)
and throw alllll the switches. let them rest in the off position for 2 mins,
and then reset them all to "ON."


OK. So now I'm getting suspicious (and feeling guilt over the "blame the
child" reaction from earlier).

I turned on the other radio - it worked fine. But it was unplugged all night
with its cord wrapped around the casing. Go Figure!

OK.. on to the computer repairs.  So I go to power on the computer and it
TOO was dead as a narc at a biker rally.  The power strip had no red light
indicating it's power-on state.  I took that sucker apart, you can believe
it!  Totally dead secondary to the fuse inside having been burned out.

By now, you KNOW I was thinking about the electrical storm that had hit the
night before last.

All of my damaged appliances were covered by my homeowner's policy except my
desktop computer. I intentionally left it off the policy so my rates would
not be raised since my agent didn't know I was working out of my home.
(ASIDE: The laptop was not plugged in, but safely stored in it's case)

OK ... to sum up this painfully expensive story, KM should:

(1) Power off and UNPLUG all appliances that she just can't live without in
the event of a powers surge/lightening strike.
(2) Pay the extra $ to buy a new power strip every 2 years, not evey 9
(3) Learn to use the stove more often to make convection-heated coffee. It
tasted unusually wonderful that day sans the radiation.
(4) Pay the extra $ for the policy that covers equipment for those of us who
work out of their homes.
(5) As good as Aiwa is, never trust their (or anyone's!) circutry and fuses
to keep a power surge from killing your system.
(6) Admit to your mistakes, and apologize to your son for falsely accusing
him of destroying yet another microwave.

So what's up with my monitor now???

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