First you should try the event manually with eev and mulplt. If this works, you 
could try automag, either from eev or by itself. Automag has no parameter file 
so not as flexible as autosig.

-------- Original message --------
From: Abhash Kumar <abhash.kuma...@gmail.com> 
Date: 04/05/2017  19:14  (GMT+01:00) 
To: Jens Havskov <jens.havs...@geo.uib.no>, Lars Ottemoller 
<lars.ottemol...@geo.uib.no>, Paul ISTI Friberg <paulfrib...@isti.com>, 
Subject: Need help with AUTOSIG 

    I posted this question yesterday but I failed to get attention from anyone. 
I am using AUTOSIG to calculate the seismic moment of a low frequency event 
(the event is only visible in the filtered waveform between 1-3 Hz frequency 
range and the signal to noise ratio in higher frequency range is nearly zero). 
After multiple unsuccessful run, I corrected my parameter files (autosig.par 
and spec.par) to the best of my knowledge, but I still don't get any useful 
output (attached). Most of the output files (moment.comp, mag.comp, f0.comp) 
are empty. Can someone use the attached data and station file to test the 
AUTOSIG function. I would be extremely grateful for your feedback.

Abhash Kumar

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