Hello Community! 

I tried to use congap tool to analyze gaps for station in ARC. I found at 
comments in source congap.par that is possible to use it for arc channels.

ARC_CHAN                                NGLK SHZIM00        20140403
ARC_CHAN                                NGLK SHNIM00        20140403
ARC_CHAN                                NGLK SHEIM00        20140403


stepnov@seisan-1:/seismo/seisan/WOR/stepnov$ congap -start 20180101 -stop 
20180102 -arc NGLK -interval 60
  start time: 20180101      
  stop time:  20180102      
  number of arc channels selected:            3
  Arc station: NGLK 
        2018           2           1           0           0   0.00000000       
  file exists, no overwrite NGLK__2018_01_congap.out
  # stat comp       actual     expected     % 

It’s not work properly, but there are not any errors around -arc key.

Note that tool connoi runs without any issues with same keys (parameters): 

connoi -start 20180101 -stop 20180102 -arc NGLK 

The latest docs have nothing about congap and arc channels. The example 
../DAT/congap.par has only CONT BASE case. Does somebody knows Is it possible 
to use congap for ARC channels?

Andrey Stepnov
seisan mailing list

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