Jason R Huggins a écrit :

I'd like to get opinions on preferred test syntax from Selenium users... (I'm cc'ing the dev list on this 'cause this it does have an effect on development, but let's keep the thread on the user's list for the time being.)

Which syntax would you prefer as the source syntax of your test scripts:
Option 1 ---->  <tr><td>type</td><td>user_name</td><td>jason</td></tr>
Option 2 ---->  type "user_name" "jason"
Option 3 ---->          type "jason" into field named "user_name"
Option 4 ---->          field(name="user_name").type("jason")

As a programmer, which would you prefer and why?
Which option do you think your end users would prefer and why?

Selenium-devel mailing list

Option 1 is a good option

Option 2 may lacks clarity
Option 3 sounds great, but maybe it would lack conciseness and ease of
manipulation when writing tests.
Option 4 too much for programmers (the one which ought not write the
acceptance test themselves !)

Another option maybe
Option 5 ---> type<tab>user_name<tab>jason
where<tab> is a tabulation.
Thats the result you would get when copy/pasting from either an
Excel/OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet, an html page, a word/OpenOffice
writer table, into a text editor.
I think this would be great, so lambda user can use his favorite tool
(spreadsheet is quite good at that).

My best option would be to be able to use both. When FIT file is html,
Option 1, when it's text, option 5.

Another though, Why not add a standard way to put comments in tests,
My preferred way would be : all characters after # in a line are ignored
(and each line beginning with a # is ignored).
This would have to work for html as for text.


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