Hey Seleniumites,

I just recently released WWW-Selenium-Utils to the CPAN.  It contains
code to convert from wiki tables to regular HTML, and helper CGI
libraries to allow selenium to dig past the web interface.  From the

    WWW-Selenium-Utils version 0.01

    This package contains useful helper libraries and scripts for 
    testing websites using Selenium.


    The scripts/selenium-regen script can be used to automatically 
    convert test scripts written in a simple wiki-like table markup 
    into the html tables that Selenium expects.

    Sample .wiki file:

      Test Title
      | open | /foo |
      | verifyLocation | /foo | 
      | verifyTextPresent | id=name | Luke |
      # comments are allowed

      # so are blank lines
      | clickAndWait | id=main_btn |

    You may wish to use scripts/selenium-regen (eg: put it in your ~/bin),
    and/or use something similar that finds Selenium in your environment.

    This package contains two modules:

        generate_suite() - converts wiki files, creates TestSuite.html

        run() - runs a command, returns the output
        cat() - dump the contents of a file

        You will need to wrap these functions in CGI or mod_perl handlers.

Luke Closs
PureMessage Developer 
There is always time to juggle in the Sophos Zone.
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