OK, I removed Twisted-2.0 and installed Twisted-1.3 and everything works
on the new box - as it does on the others.

On or about Tue, 20 Dec 2005 15:33:24 -0500
Warren Pollans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> allegedly wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to install selenium on a new install of ubuntu linux on a
> new laptop - I already have it working under fedora3 and OSX.  This
> time I used twisted server 2.0.1 instead of 1.3 (which is installed on
> the fedora and OSX boxes).  I'm not opposed to using 1.3 - it was just
> easier to use the 2.0 packages  :-)
> When I try to run the ruby-driven google script (that works on the
> other boxes) I get errors. QUESTION:  Is this from using the "wrong"
> version of the twisted server OR have I missed something else?
> Thanks,
> Warren
> Details follow:
> >>>
> >>>  script
> >>>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat google-test-xmlrpc.rb
> require "xmlrpc/client"
> # Make an object to represent the XML-RPC server.
> server = XMLRPC::Client.new( "localhost", "/selenium-driver/RPC2",
> 8080)
> # Bump timeout a little higher than the default 5 seconds
> server.call('setTimeout',15)
> system("/usr/bin/mozilla
> http://localhost:8080/selenium-driver/SeleneseRunner.html &")
> puts server.call
> ('open','http://localhost:8080/AUT/000000A/http/www.google.com/') puts
> server.call('verifyTitle','Google') puts server.call
> ('type','q','Selenium ThoughtWorks') puts server.call
> ('verifyValue','q','Selenium ThoughtWorks') puts server.call
> ('clickAndWait','btnG') puts server.call
> ('verifyTextPresent','selenium.thoughtworks.com','') puts server.call
> ('verifyTitle','Google Search: Selenium ThoughtWorks') puts
> server.call ('testComplete')
> >>>
> >>>  complaints from script
> >>>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ruby google-test-xmlrpc.rb
> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/client.rb:535:in `do_rpc': HTTP-Error: 500
> Internal Server Error (RuntimeError) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/
> client.rb:409:in `call2' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/xmlrpc/
> client.rb:399:in `call' from google-test-xmlrpc.rb:7
> >>>
> >>>  complaints from selenium_server.py
> >>>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] python selenium_server.py
> Starting up Selenium Server...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/protocols/basic.py",
> line 232, in dataReceived return self.rawDataReceived(data)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/http.py", line
> 1011, in rawDataReceived self.allContentReceived()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/http.py", line
> 1002, in allContentReceived req.requestReceived(command, path,
> version) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/http.py",
> line 557, in requestReceived self.process()
> --- <exception caught here> ---
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py", line
> 152, in process resrc = self.site.getResourceFor(self)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/server.py", line
> 507, in getResourceFor return resource.getChildForRequest
> (self.resource, request) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
> twisted/ web/resource.py", line 50, in getChildForRequest resource =
> resource.getChildWithDefault(pathElement, request) File "/usr/lib/
> python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/resource.py", line 150, in
> getChildWithDefault return self.getChild(path, request) File "/usr/
> lib/ python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/static.py", line 277, in
> getChild return resource.IResource(processor(fpath.path,
> self.registry)) File "/ usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/web/
> script.py", line 70, in ResourceScript execfile(path, glob, glob)
> File "/home/warren/selenium/ code/python/twisted/src/selenium/
> selenium_driver/RPC2.rpy", line 15, in ? interpreter =
> registry.getComponent(SeleniumInterpreter) File "/ usr/lib/python2.4/
> site-packages/twisted/python/components.py", line 597, in
> getComponent adapter = interface.__adapt__(self)
> exceptions.AttributeError: class SeleniumInterpreter has no attribute
> '__adapt__'
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