I've been a bit curious about how folks are using the ability to add "user extensions" to Selenium...
I've added several for use in the testing of our projects. Some are generic, and could likely be used by others.
While many are very specific to our projects - these are likely to be fragile; meaning, that I expect them to break when and if our app changes. For these types of extensions, I count them as a part of my test - so changes to the app may require changes to the tests and required extensions.
So, I'm wondering how others are using this ability to add extensions to Selenium?
Are you not adding much if anything?
Are you just adding general utility type extensions?
Or more like me, adding "stuff" that is specific to what you are testing?
I find the ability to add to Selenium a very big plus - in some cases, I simply could not perform a a given test on our application without them.
Well, "ok", if I always wanted to test a known and unchanging database I could get by without them, but a big part of testing is adding and modifying records or tables, so my number of automated tests would be greatly reduced if I were to only test against an unchanging database.
Well, anyhow - just curious about how folks are using the user-extensions capabilities of Selenium.
 - Mike Taber
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