On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Stephen Smalley <s...@tycho.nsa.gov> wrote:
> Hmm...even after this patch, we still get the error message from
> dbase_llist_query.  Wondering if we should drop that or if that would
> hide anything useful for other errors.  Doesn't seem overly useful at
> present.

It does still emit that warning, it stems from the dbase_llist_query_local
not returning any entries and falling back to the dbase_llist_query. It is
chatty, and not necessarily helpful. I can't really think of a use-case for
it myself. Outside of being able to verify that a fcontext is not in the
file_contexts.local, but in the underlying file_contexts database on

I.E. If you see that message, you are modifying from the defaults. If you
don't, you are modifying a fcontext that has already been modified on the
system previously.
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